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The median sales price for homes in Bent Tree Village Sarasota Fl Real Estate Listings 1, is $731,756. This is based on 8381 sales. Average price per square foot for Bent Tree Village Sarasota Fl Real Estate Listings 1 was $502.00. The average bedrooms is 3 and the average number of bathrooms is 2. There are currently 23055 properties for sale in Bent Tree Village Sarasota Fl Real Estate Listings 1. The current average listing price for homes for sale in Bent Tree Village Sarasota Fl Real Estate Listings 1 is $1,066,260. The average days on the market for properties in Bent Tree Village Sarasota Fl Real Estate Listings 1 is 118. The average asking price for Bent Tree Village Sarasota Fl Real Estate Listings 1 properties is $769,909. Also, the actual selling price is $731,756. The difference between the average asking and selling price is -4.96%.

Active Properties Statistics

Properties On Market

2 Story: 12
Apartment: 50
Duplex: 113
High Rise (8 or more): 1226
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 4462
Manufactured: 809
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 1239
Multi-Story Home: 118
Penthouse: 8
Single Family: 13415
Stilts: 73
Townhouse: 528
Villa Attached: 923
Villa Detached: 79

Avg. Asking Price

2 Story: $1,608,292
Apartment: $412,646
Duplex: $587,558
High Rise (8 or more): $1,946,320
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $528,260
Manufactured: $226,861
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $1,033,127
Multi-Story Home: $2,115,522
Penthouse: $1,352,125
Single Family: $1,272,628
Stilts: $1,335,000
Townhouse: $409,688
Villa Attached: $556,998
Villa Detached: $1,377,288

Avg. Beds & baths

2 Story: 4/3
Apartment: 2/2
Duplex: 2/2
High Rise (8 or more): 3/2
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 2/2
Manufactured: 2/2
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 2/2
Multi-Story Home: 4/3
Penthouse: 3/3
Single Family: 3/2
Stilts: 3/2
Townhouse: 3/2
Villa Attached: 2/2
Villa Detached: 3/2

Avg. Asking Price Per Sqft

2 Story: $570
Apartment: $384
Duplex: $348
High Rise (8 or more): $820
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $353
Manufactured: $1577
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $554
Multi-Story Home: $610
Penthouse: $509
Single Family: $475
Stilts: $655
Townhouse: $249
Villa Attached: $327
Villa Detached: $572

Sold Properties

Average Asking Price

2 Story: $856,667
Apartment: $407,933
Duplex: $456,022
High Rise (8 or more): $1,784,838
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $502,304
Manufactured: $190,559
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $689,091
Multi-Story Home: $2,301,018
Penthouse: $1,145,580
Single Family: $853,180
Stilts: $1,188,050
Townhouse: $403,353
Villa Attached: $574,616
Villa Detached: $1,320,406

Average Selling Price

2 Story: $783,333
Apartment: $388,760
Duplex: $440,237
High Rise (8 or more): $1,675,216
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $479,300
Manufactured: $178,314
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $660,549
Multi-Story Home: $2,112,663
Penthouse: $1,110,780
Single Family: $810,574
Stilts: $1,079,025
Townhouse: $391,771
Villa Attached: $555,120
Villa Detached: $1,273,800

Selling vs Asking Price

2 Story: -8.56%
Apartment: -4.7%
Duplex: -3.46%
High Rise (8 or more): -6.14%
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): -4.58%
Manufactured: -6.43%
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): -4.14%
Multi-Story Home: -8.19%
Penthouse: -3.04%
Single Family: -4.99%
Stilts: -9.18%
Townhouse: -2.87%
Villa Attached: -3.39%
Villa Detached: -3.53%

Avg. Days On Market

2 Story: 161
Apartment: 102
Duplex: 112
High Rise (8 or more): 137
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 109
Manufactured: 113
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 139
Multi-Story Home: 165
Penthouse: 67
Single Family: 119
Stilts: 124
Townhouse: 110
Villa Attached: 107
Villa Detached: 102

* These market statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate. The statistics are meant only as an estimate. Contact your agent for more detailed statistics.

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