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The median sales price for homes in Sarasota Communities, is $733,518. This is based on 8224 sales. Average price per square foot for Sarasota Communities was $499.00. The average bedrooms is 3 and the average number of bathrooms is 2. There are currently 23055 properties for sale in Sarasota Communities. The current average listing price for homes for sale in Sarasota Communities is $1,065,887. The average days on the market for properties in Sarasota Communities is 118. The average asking price for Sarasota Communities properties is $772,613. Also, the actual selling price is $733,518. The difference between the average asking and selling price is -5.06%.

Active Properties Statistics

Properties On Market

2 Story: 12
Apartment: 49
Duplex: 109
High Rise (8 or more): 1221
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 4450
Manufactured: 807
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 1246
Multi-Story Home: 120
Penthouse: 8
Single Family: 13423
Stilts: 71
Townhouse: 536
Villa Attached: 924
Villa Detached: 79

Avg. Asking Price

2 Story: $1,615,958
Apartment: $414,575
Duplex: $551,443
High Rise (8 or more): $1,950,783
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $527,816
Manufactured: $221,694
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $1,030,634
Multi-Story Home: $2,143,346
Penthouse: $1,352,125
Single Family: $1,272,221
Stilts: $1,358,345
Townhouse: $406,792
Villa Attached: $557,750
Villa Detached: $1,336,199

Avg. Beds & baths

2 Story: 4/3
Apartment: 2/2
Duplex: 3/2
High Rise (8 or more): 3/2
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 2/2
Manufactured: 2/2
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 2/2
Multi-Story Home: 4/3
Penthouse: 3/3
Single Family: 3/2
Stilts: 3/2
Townhouse: 3/2
Villa Attached: 2/2
Villa Detached: 3/2

Avg. Asking Price Per Sqft

2 Story: $572
Apartment: $384
Duplex: $322
High Rise (8 or more): $819
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $352
Manufactured: $1486
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $553
Multi-Story Home: $620
Penthouse: $509
Single Family: $475
Stilts: $667
Townhouse: $247
Villa Attached: $328
Villa Detached: $561

Sold Properties

Average Asking Price

2 Story: $1,292,000
Apartment: $389,313
Duplex: $461,087
High Rise (8 or more): $1,796,581
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $502,494
Manufactured: $191,554
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $690,027
Multi-Story Home: $2,349,351
Penthouse: $1,145,580
Single Family: $854,910
Stilts: $1,205,053
Townhouse: $402,643
Villa Attached: $572,223
Villa Detached: $1,309,153

Average Selling Price

2 Story: $1,225,000
Apartment: $371,150
Duplex: $444,797
High Rise (8 or more): $1,687,126
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): $479,332
Manufactured: $179,435
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): $661,306
Multi-Story Home: $2,157,108
Penthouse: $1,110,780
Single Family: $810,964
Stilts: $1,093,711
Townhouse: $391,103
Villa Attached: $552,594
Villa Detached: $1,262,689

Selling vs Asking Price

2 Story: -5.19%
Apartment: -4.67%
Duplex: -3.53%
High Rise (8 or more): -6.09%
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): -4.61%
Manufactured: -6.33%
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): -4.16%
Multi-Story Home: -8.18%
Penthouse: -3.04%
Single Family: -5.14%
Stilts: -9.24%
Townhouse: -2.87%
Villa Attached: -3.43%
Villa Detached: -3.55%

Avg. Days On Market

2 Story: 161
Apartment: 99
Duplex: 114
High Rise (8 or more): 134
Low Rise (1-3 Floors): 110
Manufactured: 116
Mid Rise (4-7 Floors): 140
Multi-Story Home: 162
Penthouse: 67
Single Family: 120
Stilts: 127
Townhouse: 111
Villa Attached: 108
Villa Detached: 108

* These market statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate. The statistics are meant only as an estimate. Contact your agent for more detailed statistics.

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